Yet again I schemed to go to Montserrat, though I was faced with the pilot-photographer-author’s dilemma: do what has been nagging me, or do what is possible. The forecast indicated an anticyclone directly overtop Pico Aneto, the highest peak in the Pyrenees. If there was a time to barrel into some unwelcome terrain, this was it. I opted to go with what nature would allow and save Montserrat for another day.
The flight turned out to be just fine from a weather standpoint. Armed with confirmation that there were locations to land, albeit spotty, I felt more comfortable over this silly terrain than the last time I peered over the cliff edge. In the end, it was a banner flight with spectacular results. Since I am binging on the photo count, I’ll spare any further words (that nobody reads).
Lower Cerdanya
Notice the lack of a driveway or road.
Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes aka “stupid ass restricted zone.”
A rather significant pass for which I cannot find a name.
Pico Aneto (11,165′ / 3.404m) in the rear left.
Northern ridge of Pico Aneto with Monte Perdido in the background (another stupid ass restricted zone).
Pico Aneto – while this is the highest peak in the Pyrenees, it is only the third highest in Spain.
Rock that looks like wood grain.
Context on aforesaid rock. Did I mention this is in Aragon now, and not Catalonia? I can sense the resignation in the air, as opposed to virulent regional independence.
Of course, there is a cross on top (and a human).
Border of Aragon and Catalonia directly below the airplane, looking into the Catalán section.
Same ski area, looking back toward Aneto.
Red rock glacier.
Note the chalet in the lower center.
Chalet is virtually under the airplane, looking back toward Aneto.
There’s Montserrat on the horizon!
And the Pre-Pyrenees….again. Pedraforca upper left.
Serres d’Odèn-Port del Comte – note the warping of rock in center left.
Pre-Pyrenees giving way to Catalonian plains. This is a diversion from my flight plan. It was too pretty to pass up.
That damn Catalonian inversion, yet again!
Though it can be a little pretty.
My flight path consisted of most of everything you see here including the horizon.
Estació D’Esquí Port Del Comte
La Cerdanya, long final runway 07 with a sore ass, full bladder, and worn out mind.